From the garage of Ken Devlin

Batch 1 - Scanned May 2008

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1099 2347.JPG

Strange bedfellows - DB 1099 was overhauled at Hillside (as was 1082 and DA725) in 1981. Here she is on a test run with, of all things, recabbed DG 2347 which has been repaired after hitting a rockslide and receiving a number of highsiders in the behind on the Otago Central line in July 81. Hence it was the only recab to have a red backside.

2347 1099.JPG

The same pair again with a red DSC in the background. 2347's headstock was repainted and the front headstock light became yellow but who knows what they managed to do to the nose. Looks like she has a yellow cowcatcher bottom in this as well. 

1814 1843 stone.JPG

The Makareo-Burnside stone train was usually hauled by twin DIs during this period and one is seen here in a nice spot heading south to Dunedin. 1814 and 1843 are in charge today. 

1820 1808 stone.JPG

1820+1808 coming into Dunedin on another stone train from Makareo. Strangely, both cab leading... Assuming they didn't go out long hood leading, there could have been a problem with 1808 and 1820 was turned at Palmerston?

1837 1814 stones.JPG

More stones for Burnside - 1837 and 1814. These were the last two DIs in Dunedin - the two with the gray short hood roofs. Until 1837's engine blew up of course.

1843 1814 big cutting.JPG

1843 and 1814 wind through the big cutting above Port Chalmers

1843 2290 stone waitati.JPG

The rare pairing of 1843 and recab 2290 leave Waitati behind on another Stoner

2 di stones.JPG

Mmmm, love those DIs

2007 3194.JPG

A southbound fronted by 2007 and 3194 heads around the cliffs near Doctor's Point

2036 2290 scratch.JPG

Recabs 2036 and 2290 near the big cutting. 2036's number painter must have realised he was running out of space after he'd done the '2' and scaled things back accordingly

2036 trial run.JPG

Shiny 'new' 2036 on a trial run to Sawyers bay and back with Dunedin suburban stock. Yes Virginia, Dunedin had commuter trains not that long ago

2105 2439 big cutting.JPG

2105 and 2439 in the big cutting

2111 2007 n dn.JPG

2111 and 2007 leaving north Dunedin. 2111, in addition to its other spotting features, had paint that quickly faded to orange. Note that nice clean Kp wagon.

2111 2347 cumb st.JPG

Yummy... 2111 and 2347 head north under the Cumberland St overbridge under cover of an EE smokescreen. Note another clean Kp above 2111 and the old Give Way sign on the bridge 

2128 2451 6162 .JPG

New cab, old cab and really new cabs 2128, 2451 and 6162 respectively. One wonders if the DF had failed, or maybe the driver preferred the recab. Good man.

2128 2451 6162 dn loco.JPG

The same set of locos at Dunedin loco. This would have been during the driver training period on the 'new' DFs.

2128 dj.JPG

An overweight-looking DG 2128 and an unidentified DJ

2290 2036.JPG

A beaut shot of 2290 and 2036 taken from a perch between Sawyers Bay and Port Chalmers. Someone forgot to close the side door.

2290 2232 waitati.JPG

New and old DGs 2290 and 2232 just out of Waitati. 2232 now at Weka Pass

2330 1820 stone n dn.JPG

Another unusual DG/DI pairing of 2330 and 1820 on a stone train

2330 2036.JPG

Recabs 2330 and 2036 in the weeds north of Dunedin with a crane in the consist

2330 2036 curve.JPG

2330 and 2036 again on another train on... another day. DB struggling with the commentary here folks. 2330 never had the shiny handrails on the cab front corners.

2di gorse.JPG

Another cracking shot of the stone train storming past a colourful patch of gorse near Doctors point

2di st.JPG

I do miss the DIs and the stone train. About 40 LAs with roller bearings and doors welded shut from memory plus a van, usually of the 30ft steel paneled variety. Wouldn't that make a nice NZ120 train...? 

2dis stone grass.JPG

The train used to leave early in the morning (4am? and head up to Makraeo for loading and then run through to Burnside late morning. The empties would come back to be parked along Cumberland street I vaguely remember in the late afternoon. I think the siding closest to Cumberland st had wagon turntables too.

3021 dg waitati.JPG

A blue DJ 1202/3021with no numbers and a cleanish DG in second spot just south of Waitati.

3067 southe old dg waitati.JPG

This is an almost identical shot presumably taken on the same day with Southerner liveried 3067 and another clean DG. Not a photoshop, although I was tempted to make the DJ a proper blue one instead of that faded old 70s blue that people seem to like for aesthetic reasons that evade me. It still has its Mitsubishi makers plate on the cab as well.

3228 2036.JPG

Rounding the well-known Church Rd curve in the sun are 3228 and 2036

3424 2128.JPG

3424 plus 2128

3545 2007 rear.JPG

DJ 3545 and a rare rear shot of 2007 at Waitati. The 'white wheels' on the locos were a dead giveaway they'd just been on a stone train.

3545 2105 cumb st.JPG

3545 and 2105 leave the Dunedin yard - note the old W&W gangers bus

3545 2128 burkes.JPG

3545 and 2128 through Burkes

6162 2111 church rd.JPG

6162 leads 2111 and a small freight around the Church rd curve


Recab Madness... DG 760/2111 fresh out of the box. 2111 had a handbrake in the cab (instead of the HSL bogie brakewheels), smaller rear-end ladder steps (except the top one which was bigger), a different shaped nose vent, unique gray front steps, DX front windows, twin forward horns, a different headlight box set down from the roofline, a DJ front red light (a number of recabs had these), slightly different headstock handrail/light position, slightly lower front MU socket, this is the only shot I've seen with a yellow cowcatcher, and of course the cab. The bottom of the sides had to flare out over the main frame side sills as the cab wasn't quite wide enough and it has shorter sides (compare the side door position and the way the curved roof meets the back of the cab's angled roofline vs the other recabs). Other recab differences include the position of the engine room door handrail (and 2111's was shorter), slight differences in the vertical position of the shiny handrails on the front of the cab (taken from beside the nose door of the old cab except for 2330 which had none), the front step fairings, nose vent shapes, nose red lights (DG vs DJ), cowcatcher chainguards, stick on vs stenciled DG 2xxx on the ends... there may be more...! Oh, don't forget 2347's red bum. Some had black rear headlights too... The differences in battery box covers (round vs oblong holes) and the bolted-on replacement rear curved fairing differences were not unique to the recabs. There will be a test afterwards...

de 1458.JPG

De 1458 in red paint. Sorry, awful scan. It still has an EE plate below the headlight.

DE oett.JPG

DE 1429 shunts the former OETT sidings at the north end of the station. This loco is about the only thing in this scene that is still the same as the DTG have tastefully decided to keep her in that nice fruit salad paint.

dg 755 mosgiel.JPG

Dg 755 stops at Mosgiel. Compare this to the modern NZ rail scene...

756 plus dg.JPG

A freshly polished 756 plus another DG

dg 767 dn.JPG

DG 767 on the former double track in south Dunedin

dg pass.JPG

A pair of DGs on an unusual working

di 1820.JPG

Freshly overhauled 1820 was the last DI to get a splash of colourful red paint in 81/82. I had never seen a DI until one day in Sept 1981  this one went through Timaru its old red and thought it was a DA... This loco is also preserved by the DTG in Christchurch

di dn.JPG

DI 1837 with a short train or shunt in Dunedin

dis pura.JPG



The challenger arrives

old dg.JPG

And you thought grunge came from Seattle


An eclectic mix of English Electric heads north on a 104 goods. 2255 is the DTG's 772.

Dunedin Loco scenes:

dn loco.JPG

dn loco 2.JPG


loco again.JPG


The End

dn loco 3.JPG


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