Here's that pair of DFs again. I seem to have gotten decent mileage out
of this train, here at the ever popular Otaki Bridge
In the early 90s, I used to regularly drive down the Hutt road to
check out the loco depot and stumbled upon this classic lineup one
weekend morning - EW 1805 (165), Ka 942 and J 1211 (in block-head and
guises respectively). The two steamers look like they are having ferry
tiedown hooks added or removed. The EW was stored in the parcels depot
near platform 9 and occasionally emerged for a run up the yard to
prove it was still alive.
In 1991, the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines produced
some spectacular sunsets, and I headed north a few times in an attempt
to snap trains with them. This was presumably one of these days, and
on the way home I was lucky to catch
Ka 945 resting at Paekok and capture this favourite shot.
In more normal, grotty weather, DX 5304 and DC 4041 make up a common
loco combo at Forest Lakes
And similarly, 5310 and 4277 do the honours near McKay Crossing. This
is another favourite shot from my time in Wellington, marred only by
my fuzzily fungal Nikon zoom lens.
DX 5333 and DX 4133 near Otaki on the 10th of March 1991 - a rare case
of me remembering to record the date on a slide. This is a pretty soft
shot too, but the only one I ever took at this location. I seem to
remember blackberry thorns being the prevalent vegetation
DX 5425 and DC 4507 near Manakau
Another DX+DC combo at Tunnel 7 on the Paekok coast
Treble DXs 5500+5097+5304 at Paekok in 1990
DFT 7010 and DX 66 (aka DX 5166) from the Paekok hill in about 1995.
About this time, many DXs had rusty long hood panels under their
dynamic brakes replaced, some were repainted with slightly differently
sized and styled numbers, whereas some ran around for a while without
any numbers on these two panels such as here. For some reason I did record that this
was the 10:30am-train ex Wellington. Obviously far more important than
recording the date!
On the same day at Forest Lakes, DX 66 reveals her true identity.
I had a bit of a crush on DXR 8007 it would seem. Here in the company
of DC 4202 in the Ngauranga Gorge
And here at Tunnel 7. I remember being quite disappointed after
perching up here for a while that this train was held back for one of
the passenger trains and didn't get moving until the sun had set
On the 7th of April 1991, I got a copy of the loco allocations and it
looked like there would be a four loco train out of Wellington, so I
roped Keith Archibald in for the chase. The locos were changed at the
last minute, but we were lucky enough to get DXs 5039, 5195, 5431 and
DC 4035 in beaut weather for the most part as we followed it up to
around Ohau. On the way back we caught the second train in the dark
with three DCs and a DX.
Near Te Horo, 5166, 5137 and 5264 approach Te Horo. I chopped the
bottom off this one as there was a pesky bus in the way.
A few more shots of the DXR on the Capital Connection . Here here
approaching Paekakariki...
at the Waikanae Bridge
Mid train helpers! DC 4041 and DX 5039 assist a preceding train which
had a loco failure into Wellington
At Gracefield, DBR 1267 and DF 6277 (on its way to the workshops) on
Q4 shunt
A nice fruit salad lineup at Wellyloco, with DCs 4179 and 4225, plus
DBR 1267. 4179 displays the small square diagonally striped Palmerston
North depot 'sticker' on the sill under the cab. Soon Auckland
followed suit with its blue stenciled yachts on the cab side, while
Wellington and Te Rapa had more elaborate yellow computer printed
stickers. Wouldn't have minded one of the Wellington stickers for my
car in a geeky kind of way.
DC 4421, DX 5039, DFT 7008 and DC4571 make up a rare quad-header near
Waikanae as the sun goes down on (perhaps) the 6th of Feb 1994.
Auckland seemed to regularly run weekend trains with streams of locos
for loco-balancing purposes, but in Wellington, we had to make to with
triples when we could get them.
A southbound freight between Paekok coast tunnels in Feb 2001
Another favourite, if not pin-sharp shot above Tunnel 7 with DC
4202 and DX 5022 in charge. It seemed more common for the DX to lead
on northbound trains, but I preferred the DC with its higher cab and
carbody to lead.
After assisting a stalled train up the hill, DX 5074 drops away to a
stop at South Junction and will head back to Wellington
DX 5258 and Auckland interloper DF 6185 arrive in Wellington. You
might be able to make out the Auckland depot sticker on the DF cabside.
Must post a shot of these here.
DXs 5425 and 5258 round Goat Point in (perhaps) Nov 94
DX 5068 and 4231 near Shannon in the mid 90s
Preparing to leave Wellington Yard, DXs 5264 and 5425 were two of
three DXs that went 'nude' before they were eventually repainted in
blue. This probably stemmed from the replacement of the dynamic brake
panels alluded to earlier where they found it too much of a hassle to
repaint the numbers (see the smaller '50' on 5068 at Shannon
above). DX 5258 in the Goat Point shot above was the third naked
The same train in a beanpole sunset.
DX 5039 and a DC storm towards Waikanae in the sunset.